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Reference type: Journal
Authors: do Lago AC, de Lima GC, Wisniewski C, do Nascimento MRL, Fadini PS, Luccas PO
Article Title: Determination of Uranium in Environmental Water by Flow Injection Analysis using a Hybrid-Imprinted Polymer.
Publication date: 2015
Journal: Analytical Letters
Page numbers: null.
DOI: 10.1080/00032719.2015.1046550

Abstract: A hybrid imprinted polymer was synthesized using 3-(trimethoxysilyl) propylmethacrylate 4 vinylpyridine as the inorganic monomer, metacrilic acid as the organic monomer, and the uranile ion as the template. The synthesis was performed via a sol-gel technique. The polymer was sieved and introduced into a minicolumn, which was coupled in a flow injection system with spectrophotometric detection to preconcentrate uranium and allow its determination at low concentration. The method had a linear dynamic range between 2.0-100 μg L-1, a detection limit of 0.40 μg L-1, a preconcentration factor of 97, a concentration efficiency of 19.4 min-1, a consumptive index of 0.227 mL, and a sampling frequency of 10 analyzes h-1. The imprinted polymer had an adsorptive capacity of 1.77 mg g-1. The method was employed for the determinatioi of uranium in effluent and river water. The precision, expressed as the relative standard deviation, was lower than 5.5%. The accuracy was investigated by comparison with alpha spectrometry; the results were statistically the same. The speed of the process is an advantage compared to the traditional alpha spectrometry. In addition, the present method is green because of the low consumption of sample and reagents and is a useful alternative for uranium determination
Author keywords: Arsenazo III, Flow injection analysis, Green chemistry, Hybrid imprinted polymer, preconcentration, Spectrophotometry, Uranium

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