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Takeoka Y et al., Polymer gels that memorize structures of mesoscopically sized templates. Dynamic and optical nature of periodic ordered mesoporous chemical gels.
Langmuir, 18, (16), 5977-5980, (2002)

Takeoka Y et al., Template synthesis and optical properties of chameleonic poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) gels using closest-packed self- assembled colloidal silica crystals.
Advanced Materials, 15, (3), 199-201, (2003)

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Takeuchi A, Proceeding, Modification of cell surfaces with polymer chains for introducing chemically reactive sites and application to tissue regeneration, 
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Takeuchi H

Haruki M et al., Molecularly Imprinted Polymer-Assisted Refolding of Lysozyme.
Biotechnology Progress, 23, (5), 1254-1257, (2007)

Takeuchi K

Fujiwara I et al., Development of a Dysprosium(III) Ion-selective Electrode Using a Dysprosium(III)-imprinted Polymer.
Bunseki Kagaku, 65, (9), 527-531, (2016)

Takeuchi M

Shinkai S et al., Molecular design of synthetic receptors with dynamic, imprinting, and allosteric functions.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 20, (6), 1250-1259, (2004)

Shinkai S et al., Molecular design of synthetic receptors with dynamic, imprinting, and allosteric functions.
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 78, (1), 40-51, (2005)

Takeuchi R

Cheubong C et al., Molecularly imprinted polymer nanogel-based fluorescence sensing of pork contamination in halal meat extracts.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 172, Article112775-(2021)

Takeuchi RM

da Silva JL et al., Non-enzymatic lactose molecularly imprinted sensor based on disposable graphite paper electrode.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 1143, 53-64, (2021)

Takeuchi T

Matsui J et al., Molecular recognition in continuous polymer rods prepared by a molecular imprinting technique.
Analytical Chemistry, 65, (17), 2223-2224, (1993)

Kugimiya A et al., Recognition of sialic-acid using molecularly imprinted polymer.
Analytical Letters, 28, (13), 2317-2323, (1995)

Matsui J et al., Atrazine-selective polymer prepared by molecular imprinting technique.
Chemistry Letters, 24, (6), 489-489, (1995)

Matsui J et al., A molecularly imprinted synthetic polymer receptor selective for atrazine.
Analytical Chemistry, 67, (23), 4404-4408, (1995)

Matsui J et al., Fluoro-functionalized molecularly imprinted polymers selective for herbicides.
Chemistry Letters, 24, (11), 1007-1008, (1995)

Matsui J et al., Rod-type affinity media for liquid-chromatography prepared by in-situ-molecular imprinting.
Analytical Sciences, 11, (6), 1017-1019, (1995)

Tanabe K et al., Recognition of barbiturates in molecularly imprinted copolymers using multiple hydrogen-bonding.
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Kugimiya A et al., Recognition in novel molecularly imprinted polymer sialic acid receptors in aqueous media.
Analytical Letters, 29, (7), 1099-1107, (1996)

Matsui J et al., Metal ion mediated recognition in molecularly imprinted polymers.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 335, (1-2), 71-77, (1996)

Matsui J et al., A molecularly imprinted nicotine-selective polymer.
Analytical Letters, 29, (12), 2071-2078, (1996)

Matsui J et al., Highly stereoselective molecularly imprinted polymer synthetic receptors for cinchona alkaloids.
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 7, 1357-1361, (1996)

Piletsky SA et al., A biomimetic receptor system for sialic acid based on molecular imprinting.
Analytical Letters, 29, (2), 157-170, (1996)

Takeuchi T et al., Molecular imprinting: An approach to ''tailor-made'' synthetic polymers with biomimetic functions.
Acta Polymerica, 47, (11-12), 471-480, (1996)

Kugimiya A et al., Sialic acid-imprinted polymers using noncovalent interactions.
Materials Science & Engineering C-Biomimetic Materials Sensors And Systems, 4, 263-266, (1997)

Matsui J et al., Solid-phase extraction of a triazine herbicide using a molecularly imprinted synthetic receptor.
Analytical Communications, 34, (3), 85-87, (1997)

Matsui J et al., 2-(trifluoromethyl)acrylic acid: A novel functional monomer in non-covalent molecular imprinting.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 343, (1-2), 1-4, (1997)

Matsui J et al., A molecularly imprinted polymer rod as nicotine selective affinity media prepared with 2-(trifluoromethyl)acrylic acid.
Analytical Communications, 34, (7), 199-200, (1997)

Matsui J et al., An in-situ approach to molecularly imprinted "tailor-made" separation media.
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 213, (IEC), 157-157, (1997)

Takeuchi T et al., TFMAA: A novel functional monomer for non-covalent molecular imprinting.
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 213, (IEC), 112-112, (1997)

Takeuchi T, Determination of drugs using natural/synthetic receptors.
Japanese Journal of Clinical Chemistry, 26, (1), 1-6, (1997)

Takeuchi T, Molecular imprinting: tailor made synthetic receptors capable of molecular recognition.
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Yano K et al., Stereoselective recognition of dipeptide derivatives in molecularly imprinted polymers which incorporate an L-valine derivative as a novel functional monomer.
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Kugimiya A et al., Synthesis of castasterone selective polymers prepared by molecular imprinting.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 365, (1-3), 75-79, (1998)

Matsui J et al., Molecular recognition in cinchona alkaloid molecular imprinted polymer rods.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 365, (1-3), 89-93, (1998)

Matsui J et al., Molecularly imprinted receptor having metalloporphyrin-based signaling binding site.
Analytical Communications, 35, (7), 225-227, (1998)

Matsui J et al., Design and preparation of molecularly imprinted atrazine-receptor polymers: Investigation of functional monomers and solvents.
Analytical Sciences, 14, (4), 699-702, (1998)

Takeuchi T et al., Molecularly-imprinted affinity separation media.
Bunseki, (11), 840-846, (1998)

Takeuchi T et al., Book chapter, Recognition of drugs and herbicides: Strategy in selection of functional monomers for noncovalent molecular imprinting, 
In: Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers, Bartsch RA, Maeda M (Eds.) The American Chemical Society: Washington DC, Ch. 8, 119-134, (1998)

Yano K et al., Molecularly imprinted polymers which mimic multiple hydrogen bonds between nucleotide bases.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 363, (2-3), 111-117, (1998)

Kugimiya A et al., Effects of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate on polymer network and interaction in hydrophilic molecularly imprinted polymers.
Analytical Sciences, 15, (1), 29-33, (1999)

Kugimiya A et al., Application of indoleacetic acid-imprinted polymer to solid phase extraction.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 395, (3), 251-255, (1999)

Kugimiya A et al., Molecularly imprinted polymer-coated quartz crystal microbalance for detection of biological hormone.
Electroanalysis, 11, (15), 1158-1160, (1999)

Takeuchi T et al., Combinatorial molecular imprinting: An approach to synthetic polymer receptors.
Analytical Chemistry, 71, (2), 285-290, (1999)

Takeuchi T et al., Separation and sensing based on molecular recognition using molecularly imprinted polymers.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 728, (1), 1-20, (1999)

Takeuchi T, Analytical applications of molecularly imprinted polymers.
Chromatography, 20, (4), 316-317, (1999)

Kugimiya A et al., Sialic acid imprinted polymer-coated quartz crystal microbalance.
Electroanalysis, 12, (16), 1322-1326, (2000)

Matsui J et al., Atrazine-selective polymers prepared by molecular imprinting of trialkylmelamines as dummy template species of atrazine.
Analytical Chemistry, 72, (8), 1810-1813, (2000)

Matsui J et al., Solid-phase extraction with a dibutylmelamine-imprinted polymer as triazine herbicide-selective sorbent.
Journal of Chromatography A, 889, (1-2), 25-31, (2000)

Matsui J et al., Molecularly imprinted fluorescent-shift receptors prepared with 2-(trifluoromethyl)acrylic acid.
Analytical Chemistry, 72, (14), 3286-3290, (2000)

Matsui J et al., Molecularly imprinted polymer as 9-ethyladenine receptor having a porphyrin-based recognition center.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 122, (21), 5218-5219, (2000)

Takeuchi T et al., Molecular imprinting of biotin derivatives and its application to competitive binding assay using nonisotopic labeled ligands.
Analytical Chemistry, 72, (11), 2418-2422, (2000)

Takeuchi T et al., Miniaturized molecularly imprinted continuous polymer rods.
HRC - Journal of High Resolution Chromatography, 23, (1), 44-46, (2000)

Kugimiya A et al., Preparation of sterol-imprinted polymers with the use of 2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl phosphate.
Journal of Chromatography A, 938, (1-2), 131-135, (2001)

Kugimiya A et al., Synthesis of 5-fluorouracil-imprinted polymers with multiple hydrogen bonding interactions.
Analyst, 126, (6), 772-774, (2001)

Kugimiya A et al., Surface plasmon resonance sensor using molecularly imprinted polymer for detection of sialic acid.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 16, (9-12), 1059-1062, (2001)

Matsui J et al., Book chapter, Techniques for the in situ preparation of imprinted polymers, 
In: Molecularly Imprinted Polymers: Man-Made Mimics of Antibodies and their Applications in Analytical Chemistry, Sellergren B (Ed.) Elsevier: Amsterdam, Ch. 13, 325-340, (2001)

Takeuchi T et al., Molecularly imprinted polymers with metalloporphyrin-based molecular recognition sites coassembled with methacrylic acid.
Analytical Chemistry, 73, (16), 3869-3874, (2001)

Takeuchi T et al., Molecularly imprinted polymer library on a microtiter plate. High-throughput synthesis and assessment of cinchona alkaloid-imprinted polymers.
Instrumentation Science & Technology, 29, (1), 1-9, (2001)

Takeuchi T et al., Combinatorial molecular imprinting for formation of atrazine decomposing polymers.
Chemistry Letters, 30, (6), 530-531, (2001)

Kugimiya A et al., Molecular recognition by indoleacetic acid-imprinted polymers - effects of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate content.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 372, (2), 305-307, (2002)

Mukawa T et al., Post-oxidative conversion of thiol residue to sulfonic acid in the binding sites of molecularly imprinted polymers: Disulfide based covalent molecular imprinting for basic compounds.
Analyst, 127, (11), 1407-1409, (2002)

Takeuchi T, Proceeding, Design and synthesis of sensing materials using molecular imprinting techniques, 
726, (2002)

Takeuchi T et al., Synthetic receptors prepared by organized assembly of organic molecules.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 21, (6), 144-150, (2002)

Kubo H et al., Multiple hydrogen bonding-based fluorescent imprinted polymers for cyclobarbital prepared with 2, 6-bis(acrylamido)pyridine.
Chemical Communications, (22), 2792-2793, (2003)

Mukawa T et al., Novel strategy for molecular imprinting of phenolic compounds utilizing disulfide templates.
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 30, (6), 1943-1947, (2003)

Shoji R et al., Atrazine sensor based on molecularly imprinted polymer-modified gold electrode.
Analytical Chemistry, 75, (18), 4882-4886, (2003)

Shoji R et al., Atrazine sensor based on a nano chemical receptor modified electrode.
Bunseki Kagaku, 52, (12), 1141-1146, (2003)

Takeuchi T, Moleculary Imprinted Polymers as Signaling Materials.
Kobunshi, 52, (7), 458-461, (2003)

Ikegami T et al., Synthetic polymers adsorbing bisphenol A and its analogues prepared by covalent molecular imprinting using bisphenol A dimethacrylate as a template molecule.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 378, (8), 1898-1902, (2004)

Ikegami T et al., Bisphenol A-recognition polymers prepared by covalent molecular imprinting.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 504, (1), 131-135, (2004)

Ikegami T et al., Covalent molecular imprinting of bisphenol A using its diesters followed by the reductive cleavage with LiAlH4.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 804, (1), 197-201, (2004)

Komiyama M et al., Book chapter, Introduction, 
In: Molecular Imprinting, Komiyama M, Takeuchi T, Mukawa T, Asanuma H (Eds.) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA: Weinheim, Ch. 1, 1-8, (2004)

Komiyama M et al., Book chapter, Recent Challenges and Progress, 
In: Molecular Imprinting, Komiyama M, Takeuchi T, Mukawa T, Asanuma H (Eds.) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA: Weinheim, Ch. 8, 119-139, (2004)

Komiyama M et al., Book chapter, Fundamentals of Molecular Imprinting, 
In: Molecular Imprinting, Komiyama M, Takeuchi T, Mukawa T, Asanuma H (Eds.) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA: Weinheim, Ch. 2, 9-19, (2004)

Komiyama M et al., Book chapter, Applications of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers, 
In: Molecular Imprinting, Komiyama M, Takeuchi T, Mukawa T, Asanuma H (Eds.) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA: Weinheim, Ch. 7, 75-118, (2004)

Komiyama M et al., Book chapter, Conclusions and Prospects, 
In: Molecular Imprinting, Komiyama M, Takeuchi T, Mukawa T, Asanuma H (Eds.) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA: Weinheim, Ch. 9, 141, (2004)

Komiyama M et al., Book chapter, Spectroscopic Anatomy of Molecular Imprinting Reactions, 
In: Molecular Imprinting, Komiyama M, Takeuchi T, Mukawa T, Asanuma H (Eds.) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA: Weinheim, Ch. 5, 53-64, (2004)

Komiyama M et al., Book chapter, Experimental Methods (2) - Evaluation of Imprinting Efficiency, 
In: Molecular Imprinting, Komiyama M, Takeuchi T, Mukawa T, Asanuma H (Eds.) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA: Weinheim, Ch. 4, 47-52, (2004)

Komiyama M et al., Book chapter, Experimental Methods (1) - Procedures of Molecular Imprinting, 
In: Molecular Imprinting, Komiyama M, Takeuchi T, Mukawa T, Asanuma H (Eds.) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA: Weinheim, Ch. 3, 21-45, (2004)

Komiyama M et al., Book chapter, Flow Chart of a Typical Molecular Imprinting, 
In: Molecular Imprinting, Komiyama M, Takeuchi T, Mukawa T, Asanuma H (Eds.) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA: Weinheim, Ch. 6, 65-73, (2004)

Kubo H et al., Chiral recognition of octadentate Na+ complex with tetra-armed cyclen by molecularly imprinted polymers.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 504, (1), 137-140, (2004)

Takeuchi T et al., Atrazine transformation using synthetic enzymes prepared by molecular imprinting.
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2, (18), 2563-2566, (2004)

Takeuchi T et al., Atrazine transformation using synthetic enzymes prepared by molecular imprinting (vol 2, pg 2563, 2004).
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2, (19), 2884-2884, (2004)

Kubo H et al., Fluorescent imprinted polymers prepared with 2-acrylamidoquinoline as a signaling monomer.
Organic Letters, 7, (3), 359-362, (2005)

Lee WS et al., Bisphenol A analog-imprinted polymers prepared by an immobilized template on a modified silica microsphere matrix.
Analytical Sciences, 21, (9), 1125-1128, (2005)

Maki H et al., Catechol amines selective polymers prepared by molecular imprinting.
Polymer Preprints, Japan, 54, (1), 1486-(2005)

Navarro-Villoslada F et al., Multivariate analysis and experimental design in the screening of combinatorial libraries of molecular imprinted polymers.
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 78, (7), 1354-1361, (2005)

Takeuchi T et al., Corrigendum to 'Signaling molecularly imprinted polymers: Molecular recognition-based sensing materials'.
Chemical Record, 5, (6), 410-411, (2005)

Takeuchi T et al., Molecularly imprinted polymers with halogen bonding-based molecular recognition sites.
Tetrahedron Letters, 46, (52), 9025-9027, (2005)

Takeuchi T et al., Molecularly imprinted polymers with signaling function based on the UV-Vis spectral change by diastereoselective binding events.
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 78, (2), 356-360, (2005)

Takeuchi T et al., Signaling molecularly imprinted polymers: Molecular recognition-based sensing materials.
Chemical Record, 5, (5), 263-275, (2005)

Takeuchi T, Molecular recognition by molecularly imprinted polymers.
Polymer Preprints, Japan, 54, (1), 76-78, (2005)

Akeda K et al., Photoresponsive imprinted polymers with azobenzene moieties.
Polymer Preprints, Japan, 55, (2), 4969-4970, (2006)

Hishiya T et al., Protein-imprinted polymers by using metal complexes.
Polymer Preprints, Japan, 55, (2), 5006-5007, (2006)

Kubo A et al., Atrazine-imprinted microspheres prepared using a microfluidic device.
Chemistry Letters, 35, (6), 588-589, (2006)

Matsunaga T et al., Crystallized Protein-imprinted Polymer Chips.
Chemistry Letters, 35, (9), 1030-1031, (2006)

Murakami S et al., Amino acid-imprinted polymers with reconstitutable binding sites.
Polymer Preprints, Japan, 55, (2), 5241-5242, (2006)

Takeuchi T et al., Dopamine selective molecularly imprinted polymers via post-imprinting modification.
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 4, (3), 565-568, (2006)

Yane T et al., Atrazine transforming polymer prepared by molecular imprinting with post-imprinting process.
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 4, (24), 4469-4473, (2006)

Yane T et al., Artificial enzyme for atrazine decomposition prepared by molecular imprinting.
Polymer Preprints, Japan, 55, (2), 4806-(2006)

Matsunaga T et al., Surface plasmon resonance sensor for lysozyme based on molecularly imprinted thin films.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 591, (1), 63-67, (2007)

Matsunaga T et al., Optimization of Functional Monomer Content in Protein-Imprinted Polymers.
Analytical Letters, 40, (14), 2633-2640, (2007)

Takeuchi T et al., Protein profiling by protein imprinted polymer array.
Analyst, 132, (2), 101-103, (2007)

Takeuchi T et al., Photoresponsive porphyrin-imprinted polymers prepared using a novel functional monomer having diaminopyridine and azobenzene moieties.
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 5, (15), 2368-2374, (2007)

Tatemichi M et al., Protein-Templated Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials Prepared by Liquid-Phase Deposition.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129, (35), 10906-10910, (2007)

Murakami S et al., A molecularly imprinted polymer for the reconstruction of a molecular recognition region.
Chemistry Letters, 37, (10), 1028-1029, (2008)

Ooya T et al., Molecularly Imprinted Polymers: Covering from Molecular Level to Polymeric Material Level.
Kobunshi, 57, (11), 903-906, (2008)

Takeuchi T et al., Molecular imprinting of proteins emerging as a tool for protein recognition.
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 6, (14), 2459-2467, (2008)

Taguchi Y et al., Formation of molecular recognition sites with urea moieties utilizing molecular imprinting.
Nippon Kagakkai Koen Yokoshu, 86, (2), 1416-(2009)

Takeda K et al., Molecularly Imprinted Tunable Binding Sites Based on Conjugated Prosthetic Groups and Ion-Paired Cofactors.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131, (25), 8833-8838, (2009)

Sasaki S et al., Highly selective bisphenol A-imprinted polymers prepared by atom transfer radical polymerization.
Polymer Chemistry, 1, (10), 1684-1688, (2010)

Sunayama H et al., Fluorescent protein recognition polymer thin films capable of selective signal transduction of target binding events prepared by molecular imprinting with a post-imprinting treatment.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 26, (2), 458-462, (2010)

Inoue J et al., Protein imprinted TiO2-coated quantum dots for fluorescent protein sensing prepared by liquid phase deposition.
Soft Matter, 7, (20), 9681-9684, (2011)

Sunayama H et al., Molecularly imprinted materials: Applications to fluorescent sensing systems.
Kobunshi, 61, (6), 406-409, (2012)

Taguchi Y et al., SPR Sensing of Bisphenol A Using Molecularly Imprinted Nanoparticles Immobilized on Slab Optical Waveguide with Consecutive Parallel Au and Ag Deposition Bands Coexistent with Bisphenol A-Immobilized Au Nanoparticles.
Langmuir, 28, (17), 7083-7088, (2012)

Takano E et al., Dummy Template-Imprinted Polymers for Bisphenol A Prepared Using a Schiff Base-Type Template Molecule with Post-Imprinting Oxidation.
Analytical Letters, 45, (10), 1204-1213, (2012)

Takano E et al., Molecularly Imprinted Microspheres for Bisphenol A Prepared Using a Microfluidic Device.
Analytical Sciences, 28, (5), 457-461, (2012)

Inoue Y et al., Fluorescent molecularly imprinted polymer thin films for specific protein detection prepared with dansyl ethylenediamine-conjugated O-acryloyl l-hydroxyproline.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 48, 113-119, (2013)

Suga Y et al., Molecularly imprinted polymers prepared using protein-conjugated cleavable monomers followed by site-specific post-imprinting introduction of fluorescent reporter molecules.
Chemical Communications, 49, (76), 8450-8452, (2013)

Takeuchi T, Book chapter, Protein-Sensing Using Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials Prepared by Liquid-Phase Deposition-Based Molecular Imprinting, 
In: Handbook of Molecular Imprinting - Advanced Sensor Applications, Lee SW, Kunitake T (Eds.) Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd.: Singapore, Ch. 14, 487-498, (2013)

Uchida A et al., Supraparticles comprised of molecularly imprinted nanoparticles and modified gold nanoparticles as a nanosensor platform.
RSC Advances, 3, (47), 25306-25311, (2013)

Inoue N et al., Erratum to: Hydrophilic molecularly imprinted polymers for bisphenol A prepared in aqueous solution.
Microchimica Acta, 181, (15-16), 2009-2009, (2014)

Kamon Y et al., Precisely controlled molecular imprinting of glutathione-s-transferase by orientated template immobilization using specific interaction with an anchored ligand on a gold substrate.
Polymer Chemistry, 5, (16), 4764-4771, (2014)

Sunayama H et al., Molecularly Imprinted Protein Recognition Cavities Bearing Exchangeable Binding Sites for Postimprinting Site-Directed Introduction of Reporter Molecules for Readout of Binding Events.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6, (22), 20003-20009, (2014)

Sunayama H et al., Fluorescent protein-imprinted polymers capable of signal transduction of specific binding events prepared by a site-directed two-step post-imprinting modification.
Chemical Communications, 50, (11), 1347-1349, (2014)

Takeuchi T et al., Conjugated-Protein Mimics with Molecularly Imprinted Reconstructible and Transformable Regions that are Assembled Using Space-Filling Prosthetic Groups.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 53, (47), 12765-12770, (2014)

Takeuchi T et al., Book chapter, Molecularly Imprinted Polymers, 
In: Encyclopedia of Polymeric Nanomaterials, Kobayashi S, Müllen K (Eds.) Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 1-5, (2014)

Kuwata T et al., Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Arrays as Synthetic Protein Chips Prepared by Transcription-type Molecular Imprinting by Use of Protein-Immobilized Dots as Stamps.
Analytical Chemistry, 87, (23), 11784-11791, (2015)

Murase N et al., Fluorescence Reporting of Binding Interactions of Target Molecules with Core-Shell-Type Cortisol-Imprinted Polymer Particles Using Environmentally Responsible Fluorescent-Labeled Cortisol.
Macromolecular Chemistry And Physics, 216, (13), 1396-1404, (2015)

Sasaki S et al., Molecularly imprinted protein recognition thin films constructed by controlled/living radical polymerization.
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 119, (2), 200-205, (2015)

Taguchi H et al., Preparation of molecularly imprinted polymers for the recognition of proteins via the generation of peptide-fragment binding sites by semi-covalent imprinting and enzymatic digestion.
Analyst, 140, (5), 1448-1452, (2015)

Takeuchi T et al., Book chapter, Molecularly Imprinted Polymers, 
In: Encyclopedia of Polymeric Nanomaterials, Kobayashi S, Müllen K (Eds.) Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 1291-1295, (2015)

Takeuchi T, Molecular Imprinting for proteins and related biomolecules - preface.
Molecular Imprinting, 3, (1), 17-17, (2015)

Takeuchi T et al., Book chapter, Post-imprinting and In-Cavity Functionalization, 
In: Molecularly Imprinted Polymers in Biotechnology, Mattiasson B, Ye L (Eds.) Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, Ch. 4, 95-106, (2015)

Takimoto K et al., Synthesis of Monodispersed Submillimeter-Sized Molecularly Imprinted Particles Selective for Human Serum Albumin Using Inverse Suspension Polymerization in Water-in-Oil Emulsion Prepared Using Microfluidics.
Langmuir, 31, (17), 4981-4987, (2015)

Yoshizawa S et al., Transcription-Type Protein Imprinted Polymers for SPR Sensing Prepared Using Target-immobilized Stamps based on Submicrometer-Sized Particles via Biotin-Avidin Linkage.
Molecular Imprinting, 3, (1), 26-34, (2015)

Horikawa R et al., A Programmable Signaling Molecular Recognition Nanocavity Prepared by Molecular Imprinting and Post-Imprinting Modifications.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 55, (42), 13023-13027, (2016)

Murase N et al., A molecularly imprinted nanocavity-based fluorescence polarization assay platform for cortisol sensing.
Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 4, (10), 1770-1777, (2016)

Murase N et al., Molecularly imprinted polymers bearing spiropyran-based photoresponsive binding sites capable of photo-triggered switching for molecular recognition activity.
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 54, (16), 1637-1644, (2016)

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