Proceedings title: Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering congress program and abstracts
Publisher: The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
Volume number: 2004
Abstract: The research activities on catalysis and polymer related nanotechnology at UCL, ITRI are focused on the synthesis of nanocatalysts, utilization of catalysts to produce nanotech products, and facilitation of catalysis by using nanotechnology. The potential of these technologies can be realized in environmental protection, energy, textile, polymers, electronics, and biosensors. Integration of several research labs at ITRI and cooperation with universities and industries has accelerated the development of new nanotech applications. This article will illustrate some recent progress of nanotechnology related catalysis at UCL: nano gold catalysts for CO oxidation at room temperature, Pt/Ru electrocatalysts for direct methanol fuel cell, catalytic synthesis and application of carbon nanotubes or carbon nanofibers. Space-confined polymerization technique was developed for the preparation of ultra high crystalline PE, HDPE/aPS and HDPE/sPS with improved properties. Molecularly imprinted polymer film on semiconductor nanoparticles was prepared for analyte detection.