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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Fauziah S, Soekamto NH, Amran MB, Taba P, Budi P
Article Title: Molecularly Imprinted Polymers as β-sitosterol selective adsorbent using combination of Methacrylate Acid and Trimethylpropane Trimethacrylate.
Publication date: 2018
Journal: International Journal of ChemTech Research
Volume: 11
Issue: (2)
Page numbers: 40-50.
DOI: 10.20902/IJCTR.2018.110207
Alternative URL: http://www.sphinxsai.com/2018/ch_vol11_no2/1/(40-50)V11N02CT.pdf

Abstract: The research aim was to syntheze Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIP) that has a memory effect on β-sitosterol. The synthesis was conducted through a bulk polymerization process using a methacrylic acid monomer (MAA), trimethyl propane trimethacrylate (TRIM) as a cross linker and β-sitosterol as a template. The MIP was used as a selective adsorbent of β-sitosterol. Characterization of MIP was performed using FTIR, SEM, and TGA. The β-sitosterol adsorption ability of MIP optimized at various pH and time. The amount of β-sitosterol adsorbed by MIP was analyzed using HPLC. The FTIR spectrum shows that functional groups that play a role in MIP formation are OH, C=C and C=O. The MIP morphological shape was spherical like a ball with a particle diameter size of about 2.5 μm and the surface of MIP was rougher than NIP. The analysis results of HPLC proven that MIP was able to adsorb β-sitosterol better than NIP.
Template and target information: β-sitosterol
Author keywords: synthesis, MIP, TRIM, MAA, β-Sitosterol, cross-linker

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