Abstract: The biological activity of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) species, their chemical behaviour and toxic effects are dissimilar. The speciation analysis of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in environmental matrices is then of great importance and much research has been devoted to this area. The review presents the recent developments in on-line speciation analysis of chromium in such samples. A flow systems have proved to be excellent tools for automation of sample pre-treatment, separation/preconcentration of chromium species and their detection by various instrumental techniques. Analytical strategies used in chromium speciation analysis discussed in this review have been divided into categories based on selective extraction/separation of chromium species on solid sorbents and liquid-liquid extraction of chromium species. The most popular strategy is that based on solid phase extraction. Therefore the review shows the potential of novel materials designed and used for selective binding of chromium species. The progress in miniaturization of measurement systems is also presented
Author keywords: Chromium speciation, flow methods, Solid phase extraction, coupled methods, miniaturization