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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Liu HC, Hong YS, Chen LG
Article Title: Molecularly imprinted polymer coated on carbon nanotubes for matrix solid phase dispersion extraction of camptothecin from Camptotheca acuminate.
Publication date: 2015
Journal: Analytical Methods
DOI: 10.1039/C5AY01721A

Abstract: A molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) - matrix solid phase dispersion (MSPD) method for extraction of camptothecin from Camptotheca acuminate was developed. The MIPs were synthesized by surface imprinting technique using carbon nanotubes as support, camptothecin as template, methacrylic acid as functional monomer, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate as crosslinker. The MIPs were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy. The isothermal adsorption, dynamic adsorption and selectivity adsorption experiments were also carried out in this study. The MIP-MSPD method coupled with high performance liquid chromatography was applied for determination of camptothecin in Camptotheca acuminate fruit, bark and leaf. Factors affecting the extraction yield such as sorbent/sample ratio, dispersion time, and washing and elution solvents were investigated. Under the optimized conditions, a good linearity of camptothecin was obtained in a range of 1-200 μg mL-1, and the detection limit of the method was 0.13 μg mL-1. The extraction yields of camptothecin obtained were 0.1055%, 0.0628% and 0.0930% for Camptotheca acuminate fruit, bark and leaf, respectively. The recovery of camptothecin was in the range of 96.1-103.3%. The results showed that this method is fast, selective, cost-effective and environment-friendly compared with other extraction methods such as stirring extraction, ultrasonic extraction and Soxhlet extraction used for extraction of camptothecin

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