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Reference type: Conference Proceeding
Authors: Royani I, Widayani, Mikrajuddin A, Khairurrijal
Publication date: 2014
Article title: Effect of Heating Time on Atrazine-Based MIP Materials Synthesized via the Cooling-Heating Method.
Page numbers: 89-94
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.896.89 Alternative URL: http://www.scientific.net/AMR.896.89

Proceedings title: Advanced Materials Research
Editors: Triyana K, Khairurrijal, Suryana R, Susanto H, Sutikno
Publisher: Trans Tech Publications
City: Switzerland
Volume number: 896
Conference information: Advanced Materials Science and Technology

Abstract: Molecular imprinting is a technique to produce a polymer called as molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) that provides cavities to form a particular space generated by removing the template when the polymer has been formed. It will recognize a target that has the shape and physico-chemical properties similar or identical with those of template molecule. In this study, MIPs using atrazine as template have been made via the cooling-heating method. Initially the pre-polymer solution was cooled at a refrigerator for 1 h. Next, the polymerization was carried out at 70 °C for heating times of 90, 120, and 150 min. without nitrogen flow which is generally done for polymerization process. Characterizations were performed by employing a reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). From Scatchard plots, it was found that the equilibrium dissociation constant KD and the apparent maximum number of binding sites Bmax, which are written as (KD, Bmax), are (4.69 μM, 9.87 mmol/g), (4.54 μM, 9.56 mmol/g) and (3.52 μM, 7.44 mmol/g) for the heating times of 150, 120, and 90 min., respectively. This is verified by their SEM images showing that the broadest pore size distribution with the highest number of pores is in the MIP prepared under the heating time of 150 min. The MIPs therefore could be applied as an atrazine sensor and the MIP prepared under the heating time of 150 min. would give its best characteristics compared to the others.
Template and target information: atrazine
Author keywords: atrazine, Cavity, molecular imprinting, Scatchard plot, template

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