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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Qiao JD, Wang MY, Yan HY, Yang GL
Article Title: Dispersive Solid-Phase Extraction Based on Magnetic Dummy Molecularly Imprinted Microspheres for Selective Screening of Phthalates in Plastic Bottled Beverages.
Publication date: 2014
Journal: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Volume: 62
Issue: (13)
Page numbers: 2782-2789.
DOI: 10.1021/jf4051705

Abstract: A new magnetic dummy molecularly imprinted dispersive solid-phase extraction (MAG-MIM-dSPE) coupled with gas chromatography-FID was developed for selective determination of phthalates in plastic bottled beverages. The new magnetic dummy molecularly imprinted microspheres (MAG-MIM) using diisononyl phthalate as a template mimic were synthesized by coprecipitation coupled with aqueous suspension polymerization and were successfully applied as the adsorbents for MAG-MIM-dSPE to extract and isolate five phthalates from plastic bottled beverages. Validation experiments showed that the MAG-MIM-dSPE method had good linearity at 0.0040 - 0.40 μg/mL (0.9991 - 0.9998), good precision (3.1 - 6.9%), and high recovery (89.5 - 101.3%), and limits of detection were obtained in a range of 0.53 - 1.2 μg/L. The presented MAG-MIM-dSPE method combines the quick separation of magnetic particles, special selectivity of MIM, and high extraction efficiency of dSPE, which could potentially be applied to selective screening of phthalates in beverage products
Template and target information: phthalates, diisononyl phthalate
Author keywords: Dispersive solid-phase extraction, molecularly imprinted microspheres, magnetic separation, phthalates, Beverages

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