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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Chen W, Lei W, Xue M, Xue F, Meng ZH, Zhang WB, Qu F, Shea KJ
Article Title: Protein recognition by a surface imprinted colloidal array.
Publication date: 2014
Journal: Journal of Materials Chemistry A
Volume: 2
Issue: (20)
Page numbers: 7165-7169.
DOI: 10.1039/C4TA00048J
Alternative URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/304651201_Protein_recognition_by_a_surface_imprinted_colloidal_array

Abstract: A label-free and easy-to-prepare biosensor for the fast and naked-eye detection of proteins was developed in this study. A closely packed crystalline array was self-assembled in ethanol-water (1 : 1, v/v) from the surface imprinted silica (SIS) colloid for hemoglobin bovine (Hb). The reflection of the molecular imprinted colloidal array (MICA) red shifted by 23 nm in response to 1.0 mg mL-1 of Hb at pH 7.0. Compared with the non-imprinted colloidal array (NICA), MICA has a higher selectivity towards the target protein, and can recognize the target protein via an "induced-fit" mechanism
Template and target information: protein, bovine hemoglobin, Hb

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