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Reference type: Journal
Authors: de Oliveira FM, Gonçalves ACJr, Dragunski DC, Segatelli MG, Tarley CRT
Article Title: Application of Ni(II)-imprinted cross-linked poly(methacrylic acid) synthesised through double-imprinting method for the on-line preconcentration of Ni(II) ions in aqueous media.
Publication date: 2014
Journal: International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Volume: 94
Issue: (10)
Page numbers: 1061-1071.
DOI: 10.1080/03067319.2014.891110

Abstract: The present paper describes the feasibility of on-line preconcentration of nickel ions from aqueous medium on Ni(II)-imprinted cross-linked poly(methacrylic acid) (IIP) synthesised through a double-imprinting method and their subsequent determination by FAAS. The proposed method consisted in loading the sample (20.0 mL, pH 7.25) through a mini-column packed with 50 mg of the IIP for 2 min. The elution step was performed with 1.0 mol L-1 HNO3 at a flow rate of 7.0 mL min-1. The following parameters were obtained: quantification limit (QL) - 3.74 μg L-1, preconcentration factor (PF) - 36, consumption index (CI) - 0.55 mL, concentration efficiency (CE) - 18 min-1, and sample throughput - 25 h-1. The precision of the procedure assessed in terms of repeatability for ten determinations was 5.6% and 2.5% for respective concentrations of 5.0 and 110.0 μg L-1. Moreover, the analytical curve was obtained in the range of 5.0-180.0 μg L-1 (r = 0.9973), and a 1.64-fold increase in the method sensitivity was observed when compared with the analytical curve constructed for the NIP (non-imprinted polymer), thus suggesting a synergistic effect of the Ni(II) ions and CTAB on the adsorption properties of the IIP. The practical application of the adsorbent was evaluated from an analysis of tap, mineral, lake and river water. Considering the results of addition and recovery experiments (90.2-100 %), the efficiency of this adsorbent can be ensured for the interference-free preconcentration of the Ni(II) ions
Template and target information: nickel ion, Ni(II)
Author keywords: double-imprinted polymer, FAAS, Ni(II)-imprinted cross-linked poly(methacrylic acid), preconcentration

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