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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Bitar M, Cayot P, Bou-Maroun E
Article Title: Molecularly imprinted polymer solid phase extraction of fungicides from wine samples.
Publication date: 2014
Journal: Analytical Methods
Volume: 6
Issue: (16)
Page numbers: 6467-6472.
DOI: 10.1039/C4AY00619D
Alternative URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264315621_Molecularly_imprinted_polymer_solid_phase_extraction_of_fungicides_from_wine_samples

Abstract: In order to preconcentrate iprodione fungicide in white wine samples, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) specific for iprodione were synthesized using two polymerization approaches: precipitation (MIPp) and bulk polymerization (MIPb). A comparison of the performance of the MIPs and the corresponding non-imprinted polymers (NIPs) was conducted in batch studies. In this case, the MIPp revealed better recognition properties toward iprodione in wine samples than the MIPb. The MIPp and MIPb were then used as sorbents on solid phase extraction cartridges (MISPEp and MISPEb consecutively) in order to pre-concentrate iprodione from white wine samples. The optimization of the MISPE elution step was done using MIPp and acetonitrile was shown to be the best eluting solvent. MISPEp showed better iprodione recovery and pre-concentration factor than MISPEb. The selectivity of the MISPE method for iprodione was evaluated in white wine samples in the presence of two other fungicides, pyrimethanil and procymidone. MISPEp was very selective for iprodione compared with the two other fungicides. However, MISPEb was able to preconcentrate iprodione as well as its analogues
Template and target information: iprodione

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