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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Ali I, Al-Othman ZA, Al-Warthan A, Asnin L, Chudinov A
Article Title: Advances in chiral separations of small peptides by capillary electrophoresis and chromatography.
Publication date: 2014
Journal: Journal of Separation Science
Volume: 37
Issue: (18)
Page numbers: 2447-2466.
DOI: 10.1002/jssc.201400587

Abstract: Many chemical and biological processes are controlled by the stereochemistry of small polypeptides (di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, hexapeptides, etc). The biological importance of peptide stereoisomers is of great value. Therefore, the chiral resolution of peptides is an important issue in biological and medicinal sciences and drug industries. The chiral resolutions of peptide racemates have been discussed with the use of capillary electrophoresis and chromatographic techniques. The various chiral selectors used were polysaccharides, cyclodextrins, Pirkle types, macrocyclic antibiotics, crown ethers, imprinted polymers, etc. The stereochemistry of dipeptides is also discussed. Besides, efforts are made to explain the chiral recognition mechanisms, which will be helpful in understanding existing and developing new stereoselective analyses. Future perspectives of enantiomeric resolution are also predicted. Finally, the review concludes with the demand of enantiomeric resolution of all naturally occurring and synthetic peptides
Template and target information: Review - advances in chiral separation
Author keywords: capillary electrophoresis, Chiral recognition mechanisms, chiral separation, Hybrid techniques, peptides

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