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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Long ZR, Lu Y, Zhang ML, Qiu HD
Article Title: Selective recognition and discrimination of water-soluble azo dyes by a seven-channel molecularly imprinted polymer sensor array.
Publication date: 2014
Journal: Journal of Separation Science
Volume: 37
Issue: (19)
Page numbers: 2764-2770.
DOI: 10.1002/jssc.201400684

Abstract: A seven-channel molecularly imprinted polymer sensor array was prepared and characterized by scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy, and nitrogen physisorption studies. The results revealed that the imprinted polymers have distinct-binding affinities from those of structurally similar azo dyes. Analysis of the UV-Vis spectral response patterns of the seven dye analytes against the imprinted polymer array suggested that the different selectivity patterns of the array were closely connected to the imprinting process. To evaluate the effectiveness of the array format, the binding of a series of analytes was individually measured for each of the seven polymers, made with different templates (including one control polymer synthesized without the use of a template). The response patterns of the array to the selected azo dyes were processed by canonical discriminant analysis. The results showed that the molecularly imprinted array was able to discriminate each analyte with 100% accuracy. Moreover, the azo dyes in two real samples, spiked chrysoidin in smoked bean curd extract and Fanta lime soda (containing tartrazine), were successfully classified by the array
Template and target information: azo dyes, tatrazine, chrysoidin, amaranth, sunset yellow, orange II, para red, rhodamine B
Author keywords: azo dyes, Canonical discriminant analysis, Molecularly imprinted polymers, Sensor arrays

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