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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Ul-Haq N, Park JK
Article Title: Effect of template on chiral separation of Phenylalanine using molecularly imprinted membrane in aqueous medium.
Publication date: 2014
Journal: Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan
Volume: 36
Issue: (4)
Page numbers: 606-613.
Alternative URL: http://jcsp.org.pk/PublishedVersion/6ecb655d-8271-4aaf-a142-0a0fe6f54382Manuscript%20no%208,%20Final%20Gally%20Proof%20of%209625%20_Noaman%20Ul-Haq_.pdf

Abstract: Wet phase inversion method was used to prepare L-Phenylalanine (L-Phe) and D-Phenylalanine (D-Phe) imprinted poly [(acrylonitrile)-co-(acrylic acid)] membranes for chiral separation. Ultrafiltration experiments were conducted to evaluate the chiral separation ability of the prepared membrane towards racemate aqueous solution of Phenylalanine. The continuous permselectivity was observed by novel membrane. The chiral resolution ability of L-Phe imprinted membrane was much better than that of D-Phe. It was observed that both membranes simultaneously, selectively reject, selectively adsorbed and selectively permeate solute. The achieved adsorption selectivities of L-Phe imprinted membrane [αAds]L and D-Phe imprinted membrane [αAds]D were 2.6 and 2.40 respectively. Permselectivity of L-Phe imprinted membrane [αPerm]L was 2.56 while D-Phe imprinted membrane's permselectivity [αPerm]D was 2.03. The rejection selectivities of L-Phe and D-Phe imprinted membranes were [αRej]L=0.32 and [αRej]D=0.28 respectively
Template and target information: phenylalanine
Author keywords: amino acid, chiral resolution, molecular recognition, molecularly imprinted membrane, selectivity, separation

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