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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Chen TF, Gu JY, Zhang XZ, Ma YM, Cao L, Wang ZZ, Chen LR, Xu XJ, Xiao W
Article Title: System-level Study on Synergism and Antagonism of Active Ingredients in Traditional Chinese Medicine by Using Molecular Imprinting Technology.
Publication date: 2014
Journal: Scientific Reports
Volume: 4
Page numbers: Article No 7159.
DOI: 10.1038/srep07159
Alternative URL: http://www.nature.com/srep/2014/141124/srep07159/full/srep07159.html

Abstract: In this work, synergism and antagonism among active ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) were studied at system-level by using molecular imprinting technology. Reduning Injection (RDNI), a TCM injection, was widely used to relieve fever caused by viral infection diseases in China. Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) synthesized by sol-gel method were used to separate caffeic acid (CA) and analogues from RDNI without affecting other compounds. It can realize the preparative scale separation. The inhibitory effects of separated samples of RDNI and sample combinations in prostaglandin E2 biosynthesis in lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW264.7 cells were studied. The combination index was calculated to evaluate the synergism and antagonism. We found that components which had different scaffolds can produce synergistic anti-inflammatory effect inside and outside the RDNI. Components which had similar scaffolds exhibited the antagonistic effect, and the antagonistic effects among components could be reduced to some extent in RDNI system. The results indicated MIPs with the characteristics of specific adsorption ability and large scale preparation can be an effective approach to study the interaction mechanism among active ingredients of complex system such as TCM at system-level. And this work would provide a new idea to study the interactions among active ingredients of TCM
Template and target information: caffeic acid, CA

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