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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Nasir AM, Ahmad MN, Dzahir MIHM, Arbain D, Islam AKMS
Article Title: Heparin imprinted polymer prepared by sol-gel process on silica microparticles surface: Analysis of template removal and binding performance.
Publication date: 2014
Journal: Materials Research Innovations
Volume: 18
Issue: (S6)
Page numbers: 155-158.
DOI: 10.1179/1432891714Z.000000000949

Abstract: A surface molecular imprinted polymer on silica gel particles for highly selective recognition of heparin (sulphated glycosaminogylcan) was prepared by a sol-gel process. The low molecular weight heparin was exploited as the template model in preparation of the non-covalent surface imprinted polymer. Meanwhile the primary amine functioned silane was utilised as the key functional monomer for biologically relevant heparin sulphate sequences-specific recognition. The heparin imprinted silica microparticles were characterised by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron micrograph. Since there was template bleeding following the first extraction, a different washing solution type and template removal strategies have been developed to overcome the problem that was interfering with the binding performance. The finding of this study shows that the MeOH acid removes the higher amount of template from the imprinting polymer. The best rebinding analyte solution was obtained with acidic medium at both stirring and ultrasonic extraction
Template and target information: heparin, sulphated glycosaminogylcan
Author keywords: molecular imprinted polymer, Heparin, sol-gel process, Template removal

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