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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Yuan H, Yu B, Cong HL, Zhai F, Wang YZ, Xu XD
Article Title: The Fabrication and Application of Bio-Functional Microspheres.
Publication date: 2014
Journal: Current Organic Chemistry
Volume: 18
Issue: (17)
Page numbers: 2270-2279.
DOI: 10.2174/1385272819666140825185126
Alternative URL: http://www.eurekaselect.com/124129/article

Abstract: Bio-functional microspheres (BFMs), including drug carrier microspheres, fluorescence microspheres, magnetic microspheres, immune microspheres, enzyme immobilization microspheres, solid-phase synthesis microspheres, and molecular imprinting microspheres, are core-shell microspheres containing bio-molecules and functional materials in their structures. Because of the presence of core-shell structures and spherical shapes, BFMs bear many unique functions and fascinating properties. The research on BFMs has surprisingly blossomed during recent decades. In this review, we give a systematic, balanced and comprehensive summary of the main aspects of BFMs related to their preparation and application, and propose perspectives for future developments of BFMs
Template and target information: Review - core-shell microspheres
Author keywords: Bio-function, enzyme immobilization, fluorescence, immunity, microspheres

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