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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Hallil H, Aouled NO, Plano B, Delépée R, Agrofoglio L, Dejous C, Rebière D
Article Title: Love Wave Sensor Based on Thin Film Molecularly Imprinted Polymer: Study of VOCs Adsorption.
Publication date: 2014
Journal: Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems
Volume: 9
Issue: (2)
Page numbers: 118-122.
Alternative URL: http://www.sbmicro.org.br/jics/html/artigos/vol9no2/6.pdf

Abstract: The overall objective of this work is to develop and to validate a quantitative, non-invasive diagnosis tool to monitor the efficiency of colorectal cancer chemotherapy. This paper deals with the validation of a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) thin film's coating process, allowing high sensitivity of the resulting microsensor. After description of the Love wave sensor and of the MIP coating process, the functionality of the resulting device is proved with electrical characterization. Deep characterization of the thin film - morphology and print effect - is proposed, based on dynamical responses observed under exposure to different vapors. Results point out a good reproducibility of polymeric films. MIP layers increased responses of sensors to vapors by a factor 3 to 4 compared to bare devices or to devices coated with non-imprinted polymer (NIP). For example, exposure to 4000mg/m3 (2126ppm) of ethanol in nitrogen induced a frequency shift of -1.4/-0.4kHz with MIP/NIP-coated sensor, respectively
Template and target information: vapours, ethanol
Author keywords: SH-SAW sensor, polymer, MIP, thin film, gas detection

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