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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Alizadeh T, Ganjali MR, Alizadeh H
Article Title: Competitive extraction of Gd(III) into a carbon paste electrode impregnated with a nano-sized Gd(III)-imprinted polymer as a new method for its indirect voltammetric determination.
Publication date: 2015
Journal: Microchimica Acta
Volume: 182
Issue: (5-6)
Page numbers: 1205-1212.
DOI: 10.1007/s00604-014-1419-y

Abstract: We describe an indirect method for the voltammetric determination of Gd(III) ion. It is based on competitive extraction of Gd(III) into an ion-imprinted polymer (IIP) on the surface of a carbon paste electrode (CPE). The nano-sized IIP was synthesized via suspension polymerization in silicone oil and deposited on the CPE. The IIP-modified CPE was then incubated with solutions containing Pb(II) and a solution containing both Pb(II) and Gd(III) ions. The oxidative stripping differential pulse voltammetric signal for Pb(II) was utilized to determine the competitively extracted quantity of Pb(II). The presence of Gd(III) reduces the quantity of electroactive lead ions in the IIP located on the CPE. No such effect was observed for the case of a nonimprinted CPE. The effect of various factors on response were optimized. The drop in the signal for Pb(II) as a result of addition of Gd(III) is proportional to the concentration of Gd(III). The voltammetric response is linearly related to the concentration of Gd(III) in the 6.0 nM to 48 μM range, and the detection limit is 4.5 nM at an SNR of 3. The relative standard deviation is 3.7 % (for n = 5). The electrode is selective for Gd(III) even in the presence of other lanthanide ions. The method was applied to the determination of G(III) in synthetic and in spiked real samples
Template and target information: gadolinium ion, Gd(III)
Author keywords: Gd3+, imprinted polymer, Nano-sized, Carbon paste, Competitive extraction

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