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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Bruchiel-Spanier N, Mandler D
Article Title: Nanoparticle-Imprinted Polymers: Shell-Selective Recognition of Au Nanoparticles by Imprinting Using the Langmuir-Blodgett Method.
Publication date: 2015
Journal: ChemElectroChem
Volume: 2
Issue: (6)
Page numbers: 795-802.
DOI: 10.1002/celc.201402407

Abstract: Speciation of nanoparticles, that is, their differentiation based on size, shape and stabilizing shell is becoming important since their properties depend on these parameters. Nanoparticle-imprinted polymers (NIPs) are a new approach that aims to selectively recognize nanoparticles based on their structural properties. In this study, monolayers of cellulose acetate (CA) accommodating gold nanoparticles stabilized with dodecanethiol (AuNPs/C12) are transferred onto indium tin oxide (ITO) by the LangmuirGÇôBlodgett technique. One to five monolayers are assembled. Electrochemical oxidation dissolves the AuNPs/C12 to form cavities in the films, which fit the size and shape of the AuNPs/C12. Reuptake of the nanoparticles from a solution is successful using the imprinted films, whereas the control films containing only CA layers do not reuptake the AuNPs/C12. The NIPs are highly selective and other gold nanoparticles stabilized by other thiols are not recognized by the imprinted matrix
Template and target information: nanoparticles, gold nanoparticles
Author keywords: gold nanoparticles, imprinting, Langmuir films, polymers, shell-selective matrices

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