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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Jin Y, Cheng YD, Song YS, Row KH, Jin YS, Xuan YH, Jin MJ
Article Title: Adsorption Mechanisms of Quercetin, Catechin and Epicatechin on Quercetin Molecular Imprinted Polymer using Linear Solvation Energy Relationship.
Publication date: 2014
Journal: Asian Journal of Chemistry
Volume: 26
Issue: (21)
Page numbers: 7249-7254.
DOI: 10.14233/ajchem.2014.16587
Alternative URL: http://www.asianjournalofchemistry.co.in/user/journal/viewarticle.aspx?ArticleID=26_23_35

Abstract: The fundamental chemical interactions governing the adsorption of three polyphenols such as quercetin, catechin and epicatechin on quercetin-molecular imprinted polymer using linear solvation energy relationship model were investigated. The quercetin-molecular imprinted polymer was prepared with quercetin as the template and methacrylic acid as the functional monomer. Acetonitrile and methanol were used as the porogen with ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) as the crosslinker and 2,2'-azobis (isobutyronitrile) (AIBN) as the initiator. The static method was performed on the manufactured quercetin-molecular imprinted polymer particles. The ability of the linear solvation energy relationship to account for the chemical interactions underlying solute adsorption was shown. A comparison of predicted and experimental adsorption concentrations suggests that linear solvation energy relationship formalism is able to reproduce adequately the experimental adsorption concentrations of the solutes studied in the different experimental conditions investigated. The constants of linear solvation energy relationship model were also predicted using Logarithmic and Polynomial equations. The Polynomial equation shows more good agreement than Logarithmic equation for predict the constants of linear solvation energy relationship model in solution of single compound or mixture compounds of quercetin, catechin and epicatechin. However, the predicted adsorption concentrations by the linear solvation energy relationship model have good agreement with experimental data in the employed experimental conditions.
Template and target information: quercetin, catechin, epicatechin
Author keywords: adsorption, quercetin, Catechin, epicatechin, molecular imprinted polymer, Linear solvation energy relationship

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