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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Gao RX, Zhang LL, Hao Y, Cui XH, Liu DC, Zhang M, Tang YH
Article Title: Novel polydopamine imprinting layers coated magnetic carbon nanotubes for specific separation of lysozyme from egg white.
Publication date: 2015
Journal: Talanta
Volume: 144
Page numbers: 1125-1132.
DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2015.07.090
Alternative URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0039914015302162

Abstract: Novel core-shell nanocomposites, consisting of magnetic carbon nanotubes (MCNTs) core surrounded by a thin polydopamine (PDA) imprinting shell for specific recognition of lysozyme (Lyz), were fabricated for the first time. The obtained products were characterized and the results showed that the PDA layer was successfully attached onto the surface of MCNTs and the corresponding thickness of imprinting layer was just about 10 nm which could enable the template access the recognition cavities easily. The polymerization conditions and adsorption performance of the resultant nanomaterials were investigated in detail. The results indicated that the obtained imprinted polymers showed fast kinetic and high affinity towards Lyz and could be used to specifically separate Lyz from real egg white. In addition, the prepared materials had excellent stability and no obvious deterioration after five adsorption-regeneration cycles. Easy preparation, rapid separation, high binding capacity, and satisfactory selectivity for the template protein make this polymer attractive in biotechnology and biosensors
Template and target information: protein, lysozyme, Lyz
Author keywords: Magnetic carbon nanotubes, Polydopamine, surface imprinting, lysozyme

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