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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Gültekin A, Karanfil G, Kus M, Sönmezoglu S, Say R
Article Title: Preparation of MIP-based QCM nanosensor for detection of caffeic acid.
Publication date: 2014
Journal: Talanta
Volume: 119
Page numbers: 533-537.
DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2013.11.053
Alternative URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0039914013009417

Abstract: In the present work, a new caffeic acid imprinted quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) nanosensor has been designed for selective assignation of caffeic acid in plant materials. Methacrylamidoantipyrine-iron(III) [MAAP-Fe(III)] as metal-chelating monomer has been used to prepare selective molecular imprinted polymer (MIP). MIP film for detection of caffeic acid has been developed on QCM electrode and selectivity experiments and analytical performance of caffeic acid imprinted QCM nanosensor has been studied. The caffeic acid imprinted QCM nanosensor has been characterized by AFM. After the characterization studies, imprinted and non-imprinted nanosensors was connected to QCM system for studies of connection of the target molecule, selectivity and the detection of amount of target molecule in real samples. The detection limit was found to be 7.8 nM. The value of Langmuir constant (b) (4.06 x 10^6) that was acquired using Langmuir graph demonstrated that the affinity of binding sites was strong. Also, selectivity of prepared caffeic acid imprinted nanosensor was found as being high compared to chlorogenic acid. Finally, the caffeic acid levels in plant materials was determined by the prepared QCM nanosensor
Template and target information: caffeic acid
Author keywords: caffeic acid, MIP, QCM, Nanosensor

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