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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Zhang J, Wang LL, Ma JQ, Wang YL
Article Title: Preparation of Ofloxacin Poly(Glycidyl Methacrylate-Co-Ethylenedimethacrylate) (PGMA/EDMA) Molecularly Imprinted Microspheres and Their Application to the Analysis of Quinolones in Milk.
Publication date: 2014
Journal: Food Analytical Methods
Volume: 7
Issue: (3)
Page numbers: 721-729.
DOI: 10.1007/s12161-013-9754-x

Abstract: A series of novel ofloxacin-imprinted polymers have been prepared using poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylenedimethacrylate) (PGMA/EDMA) particles as a support and their recognition abilities evaluated. Several factors that are known to influence the rebinding of the imprinted polymers were investigated, including the pH and water content of the adsorbed solutions. The binding capabilities of the materials were also evaluated. The resulting PGMA/EDMA molecularly imprinted polymers were used as selective solid phase extraction sorbents for the simultaneous determination of three different quinolones in milk, with the results revealing high levels of selectivity. The use of 10 % methanol-water as washing solution together with 2 % trifluoroacetic acid-acetonitrile as an elution solution allowed for the three different quinolones to be selectively extracted from the milk samples. Furthermore, all of the matrix interference factors were eliminated simultaneously, whereas the enrichment factors were >234. The quantification limit was determined to be 1.00 ng/mL using an ultraviolet detector, and the recovery was in the range of 81.8-102.0 % with a relative deviation of <9.6 %
Template and target information: ofloxacin, OFL
Author keywords: PGMA, EDMA particles, Ofloxacin (OFL)-molecularly imprinted polymer, solid phase extraction, Quinolone

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