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Reference type: Journal
Authors: de Escobar CC, Fisch A, dos Santos JHZ
Article Title: Effect of a Sol-Gel Route on the Preparation of Silica-Based Sorbent Materials Synthesized by Molecular Imprinting for the Adsorption of Dyes.
Publication date: 2015
Journal: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Volume: 54
Issue: (1)
Page numbers: 254-262.
DOI: 10.1021/ie503993d

Abstract: A series of imprinted silica xerogels that support rhodamine B as the template were synthesized by distinct sol-gel routes. The adsorption capacity was discussed in terms of isotherm adsorption evaluated in terms of Langmuir, Freundlich, and modified Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) models. Although only one acid-catalyzed route could be fit with the Langmuir and Freundlich models, yielding a qm value of 998.3 mg/g, the BET-modified model showed a good fit for all systems studied. The effect of the sol-gel route chosen to prepare silica-based sorbent materials that are imprinted to adsorb dyes on their characteristics can be understood by taking into consideration the fact that statistical analysis suggests that other properties (namely, [zeta] potential, radius of gyration, and percentage of six-membered rings) seem to be relevant to the selective adsorption of dye rather than being indicated by SBET uniquely. On the basis of the similarity of S-type isotherms observed, we propose that the mechanism of adsorption may be roughly the same for the basic, two-step, nonhydrolytic and the second of two reported acidic routes. This means that, except in the case of the first acid-catalyzed route, there is a tendency for large adsorbed molecules to associate rather than to remain as isolated units
Template and target information: rhodamine B

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