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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Chen TT, Lu ZY, Yang LL, Ma ZF, He M, Zhou WC, Li JQ, Zhao XX, Zhu Z, Wang DD, Huo PW, Yan YS
Article Title: Imprinted ZnO/Magnetic Fly-Ash Photocatalyst Selectively Photodegraded Danofloxacin Mesylate Solution.
Publication date: 2015
Journal: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters
Volume: 7
Issue: (5)
Page numbers: 441-445.
DOI: 10.1166/nnl.2015.1950
Alternative URL: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/asp/nnl/2015/00000007/00000005/art00013

Abstract: A novel imprinted ZnO/magnetic fly-ash photocatalyst (imprinted ZnO/MFA) was synthesized by the imprinting technique based on danofloxacin mesylate (DM) as the template molecule, zinc acetate as the reactive precursor, magnetic fly-ash (MFA) as the matrix material. The as-prepared imprinted ZnO/MFA was extensively characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), elemental analysis, UV-vis diffused reflectance spectra (UV-vis) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The results indicated that imprinted ZnO/MFA possessed like-spherical structure, superior magnetic property (M s = 30.31 emu/g), the average diameter of imprinted ZnO/MFA was approximately 80 μm. Moreover, imprinted ZnO/MFA was proved to exhibit higher photocatalytic efficiency than other photocatalysts and the degradation rate of degradation of DM in 120 min under the ultraviolet light irradiation was 89.64%. In addition, compared with ZnO/magnetic fly-ash photocatalyst (ZnO/MFA), imprinted ZnO/MFA showed good selectivity for photodegradation of DM.
Template and target information: danofloxacin mesylate, DM
Author keywords: danofloxacin mesylate, Imprinting Technique, magnetic fly-ash, Selective photodegradation, ZnO

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