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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Wulff G, Vietmeier J
Article Title: Enzyme-analogue built polymers .26. Enantioselective synthesis of amino-acids using polymers possessing chiral cavities obtained by an imprinting procedure with template molecules.
Publication date: 1989
Journal: Makromolekulare Chemie-Macromolecular Chemistry And Physics
Volume: 190
Issue: (7)
Page numbers: 1727-1735.
DOI: 10.1002/macp.1989.021900724

Abstract: The asymmetric synthesis of a-amino acids within chiral cavities of special crosslinked polymers was investigated. Chiral cavities prossessing definite shapes and specific arrangements of the functional groups were obtained by preparation of crosslinked polymers in the presence of suitable templates. Best results with an enantiomeric excess of 36% were obtained by using a polymer which was imprinted by L-DOPA. The cavities contained a salicylaldehyde and a phenylboronic acid moiety each. L-Threonine was prepared by reaction of the polymer bound anion of a salicylideneglycine nickel complex with acetaldehyde

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