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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Zhang LX, Yang S, Qian J, Hua DB
Article Title: Surface Ion-Imprinted Polypropylene Nonwoven Fabric for Potential Uranium Seawater Extraction with High Selectivity over Vanadium.
Publication date: 2017
Journal: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Volume: 56
Issue: (7)
Page numbers: 1860-1867.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.6b04389

Abstract: Uranium seawater extraction is strategically important to guarantee the future supply for nuclear power generation. However, it is still a challenge to selectively capture uranium over vanadium in seawater. In this paper, we propose a new method for potential uranium seawater extraction with high selectivity over vanadium. Specifically, surface ion-imprinted polypropylene nonwoven fabric is prepared by copolymerization of 4-vinylbenzyl chloride and 1-vinylimidazole in the presence of uranyl tricarbonate complex. The sorption follows the pseudo-second-order model and can reach the equilibrium with a large capacity of 133.3 mg/g within 15 h at pH 8.0 and 298.15 K. The imprinted fabric shows excellent selectivity toward uranium over vanadium and the other coexisting ions in seawater. In addition, it exhibits good salt-resistant stability and can be regenerated efficiently after five cycles. This work indicates that the imprinted fabric may be a promising sorbent for potential uranium seawater extraction
Template and target information: uranyl ion

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