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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Sabu C, Rejo C, Kotta S, Pramod K
Article Title: Bioinspired and biomimetic systems for advanced drug and gene delivery.
Publication date: 2018
Journal: Journal of Controlled Release
Volume: 287
Page numbers: 142-155.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2018.08.033
Alternative URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168365918304991

Abstract: Natural nanocarriers found in biological frameworks have motivated the scientists to fabricate new structures that help to build characteristic systems mimicking the natural processes. Furthermore, these bioinspired and biomimetic systems improve biocompatibility during drug and gene delivery applications. The success of such a drug delivery system depends on parameters like shape, surface, texture, movement, and preparation methods. To date, various bioinspired and biomimetic drug delivery systems are available. Bacteria-inspired, virus-inspired, fungus-inspired and mammalian cell-inspired systems are presently in the spotlight. Bioinspired or biomimetic macromolecular and nanoparticle-based drug and gene delivery systems are well studied. The bioinspired and biomimetic systems find great application in biomedicine. Drug delivery, gene delivery, theranostic, and biosensing applications are major among the biomedical applications of these versatile systems. These systems have great influence on the biological systems owing to their high biocompatibility, less toxicity, and significant interaction. Bioinspired and biomimetic systems have a bright future ahead with a lot of potentials to resolve any obstacles encountered in drug and gene delivery
Template and target information: Review - biomimetic systems in drug delivery
Author keywords: drug delivery, gene delivery, bioinspired, biomimetic, bacteria-inspired, virus-inspired, nanoparticles

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