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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Yang ZT, Wang JQ, Shah T, Liu P, Ahmad M, Zhang QY, Zhang BL
Article Title: Development of surface imprinted heterogeneous nitrogen-doped magnetic carbon nanotubes as promising materials for protein separation and purification.
Publication date: 2021
Journal: Talanta
Volume: 224
Article Number: 121760.
DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2020.121760
Alternative URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0039914020310511

Abstract: To promote the development of molecular imprinting technique in the separation and analysis of protein, novel bovine serum albumin (BSA) surface imprinted nitrogen-doped magnetic carbon nanotubes (N-MCNTs@MIPs) are developed by this paper. The imprinted materials are prepared by depositing polydopamine (PDA) on the surface of nitrogen-doped magnetic carbon nanotubes (N-MCNTs). N-MCNTs prepared by high temperature pyrolysis and chemical vapor deposition exhibit high specific surface area, positive hydrophilicity, abundant nitrogen functional groups and excellent magnetic properties. These characteristics are conducive to the increase of effective binding sites, the smooth development of the protein imprinting process in the aqueous phase, the improvement of the binding capacity and the simplification of the separation process. The amount of BSA adsorbing on the N-MCNTs@MIPs can reach 150.86 mg/g within 90 min. The imprinting factor (IF) is 1.43. The results of competitive adsorption and separation of fetal bovine serum showed that N-MCNTs@MIPs can specifically recognize BSA. The excellent reusability and separation ability for real sample prove that N-MCNTs@MIPs have the potential to be applied to the separation and purification of proteins in complex biological samples
Template and target information: protein, bovine serum albumin, BSA
Author keywords: Magnetic carbon nanotubes, Surface protein imprinting, Nitrogen-doped, BSA adsorption, Polydopamine

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