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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Dioos BML, Vankelecom IFJ, Jacobs PA
Article Title: Aspects of Immobilisation of Catalysts on Polymeric Supports.
Publication date: 2006
Journal: Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis
Volume: 348
Issue: (12-13)
Page numbers: 1413-1446.
DOI: 10.1002/adsc.200606202

Abstract: In this review the authors intend to make a tutorial review on catalyst immobilisation from the viewpoint of the catalyst designer, emphasizing the use of promising concepts in this area, rather than trying to be exhaustive. The following topics are covered: 1 Introduction 2 Classic Ways of Immobilisation of Homogeneous Catalysts 3 General Remarks on Catalyst Heterogenisation on Polymeric Supports 3.1 Polymeric Supports 3.2 Polymer Supported Monodentate Phosphine Complexes 3.3 Polymer Supported Bidentate Phosphine Complexes 3.4 Phosphazene-Based Catalysts 3.5 Various Polymer Tethered Ligands with O or/ and N as Metal Chelating Atoms 4 Recent Advances in Immobilisation of Chiral Catalysts 5 Immobilised Metathesis Catalysts 6 Immobilised Clusters and Nanoparticles 7 Molecularly Imprinted Polymeric Materials for Enzyme-Like Catalysis 8 Microencapsulated Polymer-Based Catalysts 9 Catalyst Immobilisation on the Bio-Polymer Chitosan 10 NafionC as Support for Metal-Complex Catalysts 11 Catalysts Combined with Polymeric Membranes 11.1 Catalyst Encapsulation 11.2 Incorporation of Heterogeneous Catalysts 11.3 Heterogenisation of Homogeneous Catalysts 11.4 Membrane-Assisted Catalysis 12 Catalyst Immobilisation on Silica and Related Inorganic Supports 13 Conclusions
Template and target information: Review - polymeric catalysts
Author keywords: immobilisation, membranes, polymers, supported catalysts

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