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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Wang ZH, Kang JW, Zhang HN, Liu XY, Lu XQ, Ma YJ
Article Title: Studies on the permeation characteristics of molecularly imprinted polymer membranes with Zinc(II)-quercetin complex as template.
Publication date: 2007
Journal: Acta Chimica Sinica
Volume: 65
Issue: (18)
Page numbers: 2019-2024.
Alternative URL: http://sioc-journal.cn/Jwk_hxxb/EN/abstract/abstract329661.shtml

Abstract: Using the polyvinylidene fluoride microporous membrane as the supporting membrane and zinc(II)-quercetin complex as template, the molecularly imprinted polymer membranes were synthesized through in situ polymerization by UV irradiation. The imprinted membranes exhibited selective permeation for quercetin in certain zinc(II) acetate solution through permeation binding experiment-The influences of cations and anions on the selective permeation of imprinted membranes were investigated. It will be helpful for the separation and enrichment of quercetin in herbal medicine
Template and target information: zinc(II)-quercetin complex, quercetin, zinc ion, Zn(II)
Author keywords: molecularly imprinted membrane, membrane permeation, quercetin

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