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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Karmalkar RN, Kulkarni MG, Mashelkar RA
Article Title: Pendent chain linked delivery systems .2. Facile hydrolysis through molecular imprinting effects.
Publication date: 1997
Journal: Journal of Controlled Release
Volume: 43
Issue: (2-3)
Page numbers: 235-243.
DOI: 10.1016/S0168-3659(96)01488-5

Abstract: In an earlier communication we reported the synthesis of hydrogels containing an imidazole group and the polymer conjugate which formed a charge transfer complex. The catalytic activity of imidazole enhanced the rate of release of p-nitrophenol. To further extend this approach to polymer conjugates which cannot form such complexes, we now show how the functional groups in such cases can be brought in proximity by metal-ion coordination and molecular imprinting techniques. The hydrolysis of the inactive esters from these hydrogels takes place under facile conditions and is pH responsive

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