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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Yang YJ, Alexandratos SD
Article Title: Affinity of Polymer-Supported Reagents for Lanthanides as a Function of Donor Atom Polarizability.
Publication date: 2009
Journal: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Volume: 48
Issue: (13)
Page numbers: 6173-6187.
DOI: 10.1021/ie900074t

Abstract: This review correlates lanthanide-ion affinities with the polarizability of the donor atoms on immobilized ligands to gain an insight into the design of lanthanide-selective polymer-supported reagents. Comparison with the affinities for actinide ions clarifies the correlation. Polymers with different ligands are classified into four categories, based on an increasing order of donor atom polarizability: oxygen, oxygen and nitrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur. Hard-soft acid-base theory is an important determinant of ion-ligand affinities. Additional factors that affect complexation levels include counterion coordination to the metal, protonation of the ligand, and hydration. Selectivity for the lanthanide ions may be engineered into polymer-supported reagents by introducing phosphonic acid ligands
Template and target information: Review - Polymeric reagent for lanthanides

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