Abstract: Photograft polymerization was applied as a novel approach to the introduction of imprint sites of a ternplate. theophylline, into a cross-linked polymeric gel formed on a membrane support. The asymmetric membrane of polyacrylonitrile with covalently bound thiocarbamate photosensitive groups was prepared by a phase inversion method. Photo-irradiation to the membrane surface in the presence of the template methylenebisacrylamide, and acrylic acid results in the formation of a gel layer containing the template After removal of the template from the membrane, theophylline or caffeine was filtered through the imprinted membrane. Evidence is presented that theophylline is taken into the imprinted sites of the gel network. However, the amounts of caffeine taken into the membrane are lower than that of theophylline. The results demonstrate that the gel network on the membrane surface records the shape of the template molecule during photograft polymerization