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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Braga MEM, Yañez F, Alvarez-Lorenzo C, Concheiro A, Duarte CMM, Gil MH, de Sousa HC
Article Title: Improved drug loading/release capacities of commercial contact lenses obtained by supercritical fluid assisted molecular imprinting methods.
Publication date: 2010
Journal: Journal of Controlled Release
Volume: 148
Issue: (1)
Page numbers: e102-e104.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2010.07.077
Alternative URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6T3D-51H628T-2K/2/13433bd2a0494e8fde50600ce76e9e49

Abstract: Conventional methods to load drugs into contact lenses are usually inefficient and are mostly limited to high water solubility drugs. This work involves the application of a supercritical fluid assisted molecular imprinting method in order to improve hydrophobic drug loading into soft contact lenses. The feasibility of preparing improved and more efficient flurbiprofen-loaded Hilafilcon B daily- and monthly-wear contact lenses is demonstrated. Furthermore, these processes do not alter critical functional properties of contact lenses and enable the regulation of drug loading by applying various processing cycles.
Template and target information: flurbiprofen

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