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Reference type: Journal
Authors: Shah N, Ul-Islam M, Haneef M, Hussain Z, Balal M, Park JK
Article Title: Phenylalanine Imprinted Microbeads Prepared by Shaking Method.
Publication date: 2013
Journal: International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
Volume: 3
Issue: (3)
Page numbers: 889-894.
Alternative URL: http://www.ijera.com/papers/Vol3_issue3/EV33889894.pdf

Abstract: Molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) technology is an emerging tool for the separation and isolation of structurally related compounds. MIP beads are considered useful in HPLC, CC, SEC, TLC, drug delivery systems as well as in chemical and biosensors. In this work a new shaking method using baffle flask as reactor for suspension polymerization for the preparation of MIP microbeads has been developed. This attempt proved to be simple, cheap and has greatly reduced the chances of oxygen entrapment during polymerization process. Characterization of the prepared non-imprinted beads (NIBs), D-Phe imprinted beads (DIBs) and L-Phe imprinted beads (LIBs) was made with SEM and FTIR analysis. Round shape, porous structure beads with a size distribution of 1-12 μm have been synthesized. The prepared DIBs and LIBs were used for the separation of D, L-Phe racemic mixture and showed good adsorption capacity (0.109 and 0.128 mg/g respectively) and adsorption selectivity (1.271 and 1.303 respectively) compared to NIBs with adsorption capacity 0.063 mg/g and adsorption selectivity 0.969.
Template and target information: phenylalanine, L-Phe, D-Phe
Author keywords: D-Phe imprinted microbeads, L-Phe imprinted microbeads, shaking method

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