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Inventors: Pidgeon C
Patent Title: Method and compositions for drug discovery
Publication date: 2003
Publication number: US2003_0211464

Abstract: A drug-binding substrate formed or identified using a drug substance having a predetermined biological activity is used to screen and identify test compounds likely to exhibit the predetermined biological activity. The potential biologically active test compounds are identified by their specific binding to the drug-binding substrates as detected by any of a wide variety of techniques using labeled or unlabeled assay components. In one embodiment a monoclonal antibody raised against a drug substance is used as a drug-binding substrate to identify and isolate test compounds in a natural product extract or a combinatorial chemical library. Preferably the monoclonal antibody is characterized by its ability to bind specifically to at least one other drug substance having the same or similar biological activity as the drug substance against which it was raised. The invention finds use inter alia in drug discovery protocols, in toxicity profiling of drug substances and in assaying commercial natural products.
URL: http://v3.espacenet.com/textdoc?DB=EPODOC&IDX=US2003211464&F=0

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