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Inventors: Fiorini-Debuisschert C, Simic V, Vigneau O, le Barny P
Patent Title: Highly-selective tandem chemical sensor and detection method using same
Publication date: 2007
Publication number: US20070148696

Abstract: The invention relates to a chemical sensor intended for the detection of a type of molecule comprising a fluorescent material capable of forming a charge transfer complex with the type of molecule to be detected and means for measuring the variation in fluorescence of said material, characterized in that it additionally comprises a filter comprising a polymer material comprising "molecularly imprinted" cavities, the geometric and chemical configuration of which is defined so as to fix the type of molecule to be detected. The invention also relates to a detection method using the sensor according to the invention.
URL: http://v3.espacenet.com/textdoc?DB=EPODOC&IDX=US2007148696&F=0

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