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Inventors: Chen QA, Yin DH, Jin Y, Fan HM, Zhao LH, Wang ST, Yan HF
Patent Title: Molecular imprinting material for lowering nicotine content in cigarette fume selectively and its application
Publication date: 2007
Publication number: CN101088426

Abstract: The present invention discloses one kind of molecular engram material for lowering nicotine content in cigarette fume and its application. Before synthesizing molecular engram material, nicotine is first mixed with functional monomer for mutual reaction to form molecular compound, then reacted with added cross-linking agent to form high cross-linked high molecular material, and finally eliminated chemically or physically from the high molecular material. In the polymer, great amount of holes possessing high selectivity on nicotine molecule are formed. The molecular engram material is preferably applied in composite filter tip to reduce nicotine content in cigarette fume and reach the selective harm reducing aim.
URL: http://v3.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&adjacent=true&locale=en_gb&FT=D&date=20071219&CC=CN&NR=101088426A&KC=A

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