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Inventors: Connor E, Charmot D, Chang HT, Roger F, Klaerner G, Nguyen SH, Mills J, Buysse JM, Lee A, Madsen D, Shao J, Cope MJ, Fordtran J
Patent Title: Anion-binding polymers and uses thereof
Publication date: 2010
Publication number: US7,718,746

Abstract: Anion-binding polymers are described. The anion-binding polymers in some cases are low swelling anion-binding polymers. In some cases, the anion-binding polymers have a pore volume distribution such that a fraction of the polymer is not available for non-interacting solutes above a certain percentage of the MW of the target ion for the polymer. In some cases, the anion-binding polymers are characterized by low ion-binding interference, where the interference is measured in, for example, a gastrointestinal simulant, relative to non-interfering buffer. Pharmaceutical composition, methods of use, and kits are also described.
URL: http://v3.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&adjacent=true&locale=en_gb&FT=D&date=20100204&CC=US&NR=2010029897A1&KC=A1

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