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Inventors: Stewart RF
Patent Title: Phase change sensor
Publication date: 2010
Publication number: US7,794,657

Abstract: A device is disclosed which is a highly sensitive and selective sensor. The device is comprised of a sensor material secured into a fixed position on substrate, a deformable arm and a signaling component which creates a detectable signal in response to movement of the arm. The sensitivity of the device is enhanced by using a sensor material which undergoes a dramatic change in volume which may be accompanied by a phase change in response contact with a target such a molecule of interest. The selectivity of the device is enhanced by incorporating highly specific binding receptors (e.g. antibodies) into the sensor material which receptors bind to specific targets (e.g. peptide epitopes). The binding of the target molecule to the receptor causes the sensor material to change dramatically in volume thereby moving the arm causing the signaling component (e.g. a piezoresistor) to create a detectable signal (e.g. change in resistance) thereby indicating the present of the target.
URL: http://v3.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&adjacent=true&locale=en_gb&FT=D&date=20050728&CC=US&NR=2005164299A1&KC=A1

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