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Inventors: Tao NJ, Forzani E
Patent Title: Sensing materials for selective and sensitive detection of hydrocarbons and acids
Publication date: 2013
Publication number: US20130115137

Abstract: A method and apparatus including: 1) Synthesis of a sensing material with high density of binding sites and excellent selectivity for toxic hydrocarbons and acid vapors; 2) Coating of the sensing material onto the surface of sensors, such as quartz crystal tuning forks; and 3) integration of the coated sensors with proper sample conditioning unit. The device achieves high sensitivity and selectivity, and has been tested in various field environments.
URL: http://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?FT=D&date=20130509&DB=worldwide.espacenet.com&locale=en_EP&CC=US&NR=2013115137A1&KC=A1&ND=4

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