Inventors: Fu DG,
Gu ZZ,
Rong F
Patent Title: Method for preparing molecularly imprinted microspheres on surface of polymer carrier
Publication date: 2010
Publication number: CN101733081
Abstract: The invention discloses a method for preparing molecularly imprinted microspheres on the surface of a polymer carrier. The method is characterized in that the method comprises the steps of: (1) preparing an organic polymer microsphere carrier, and coupling an iniferter on the surface of the organic polymer microsphere carrier; and (2) adding template molecules, a function monomer or a mixture of function monomers and a cross-linking agent into a proper solvent comprising the coupled organic polymer microsphere carrier to perform photo-grafting polymerization on the surface of the carrier to form the needed molecularly imprinted microspheres on the surface of the polymer carrier. The method avoids the gelation phenomenon during the preparation of imprinted microspheres which are prepared by current surface imprinting technology and take silica gel as a carrier, simplifies preparation steps, extends the applicable pH range of the imprinted microspheres, and is widely used in analytical test fields such as high performance liquid chromatography, solid phase extraction and the like.
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