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Inventors: Fi QA, Xiao AP, Guo Q, Ailijiang A, Liu R, Chang C
Patent Title: Method for extracting genistein from plant nepeta japonica maxim
Publication date: 2009
Publication number: CN101544626

Abstract: The invention discloses a multi-step swelling and polymerization-solid-phase extraction method for extracting genistein from plant nepeta japonica maxim, which comprises the following steps: (1) a multi-step swelling and polymerization method is adopted to prepare a genistein molecularly imprinted polymer with uniform size; (2) a genistein molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction post is prepared; (3) and the genistein molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction post extracts and separates the genistein in plant nepeta japonica maxim. The novel globular molecule imprinted polymer with uniform grain diameter (3 to 5 mum) has high selectivity to the genistein. The obtained polymer is prepared into the solid-phase extraction post which can be used for extraction, separation and purification of the genistein in the plant nepeta japonica maxim to obtain products with higher purity.; The operation process is simple with greatly reduced use amount of solvent, so that the extracting process is safer and more environmental-friendly, and the purpose of impurity removal, purifying and enriching target genistein can be rapidly achieved.
URL: http://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?FT=D&date=20090930&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP&CC=CN&NR=101544626A&KC=A&ND=4

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