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Inventors: Fang GZ, Liu L, Wang JP, Wang S
Patent Title: Method for preparing high molecular polymer enriched with trace ractopamine
Publication date: 2010
Publication number: CN101747513

Abstract: The invention relates to a method for preparing a molecularly imprinted polymer enriched with trace ractopamine. In the method, methanol is used as a solvent, 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane is used as a functional monomer, tetraethoxy silane is used as a crosslinking agent, an activated silicon ball is used as a carrier, and a surface molecular imprinting technique and a sol-gel technique are utilized to synthesize an adsorptive functional material having high selectivity to the ractopamine. The method has the advantages of simple synthesis method and high adsorption specificity to objects. The functional material prepared by the method can be used for performing quick pretreatment on samples and performing online detection on the ractopamine.
URL: http://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?FT=D&date=20100623&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP&CC=CN&NR=101747513A&KC=A&ND=4

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