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Inventors: Chen QA, Yin DH, Jin Y, Fan HM, Zhao LH, Tan HF, Wang ST
Patent Title: Molecule printing materials for selectivity reducing cigarette fume TSNA amount and application thereof
Publication date: 2008
Publication number: CN101224042

Abstract: The invention relates to a molecularly imprinted material for selectively reducing TSNA content in cigarette smoke and the application thereof. The molecularly imprinted material is prepared as follows: before synthesizing the molecularly imprinted material, template molecules are mixed with functional monomers which can generate intermolecular force with the template molecules in order to generate interaction and form molecule complex; then a cross linker is added to form a highly cross-linking polymer material; then the template molecules are removed from the polymer material by chemical or physical methods. A plurality of cavities which can match with the space of the template molecules and has multi-functional sites arranged specifically are formed in the polymer; the cavities has effective selectivity to TSNA molecule.; When being used for the alternative damage-reduce of cigarette smoke, the invention is best used in a composite mouth wand, and the added amount of the invention can be freely regulated according to needs. The invented substance can be added to the mouth wand according to the standard of 40mg per cigarette and can reduce the TSNA content of smoke by 24.6 percent without impacting the other components of the smoke, thereby realizing alternative damage-reduce.
URL: http://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?FT=D&date=20080723&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP&CC=CN&NR=101224042A&KC=A&ND=4

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