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Inventors: Wang S, Qian K, Wang JP, Fang GZ
Patent Title: Up-conversion fluorescent molecular imprinted polymer and preparation method thereof
Publication date: 2014
Publication number: CN104211857

Abstract: The invention provides an up-conversion fluorescent molecular imprinted polymer and a preparation method thereof, and relates to the field of novel high polymer enrichment materials. Up-conversion fluorescent nano particles NaYF4:Yb<3+> and Er<3+> are used as novel carriers, the novel carriers are combined with a molecular imprinting technology. The invention particularly relates to an up-conversion fluorescent molecular imprinted polymer with good adsorbing and separating functions on carbamate pesticide metolcarb molecules and a preparation method of the up-conversion fluorescent molecular imprinted polymer. The synthesized up-conversion fluorescent molecular imprinted polymer is great in specific surface area, so that the mass transfer rate and the adsorbing capacity are improved greatly in comparison with those of the conventional materials. And moreover, the preparation method is low in cost, simple in synthesis process, and easy in reaction condition control. The prepared up-conversion fluorescent molecular imprinted polymer has the characteristics of high sensitivity and high selectivity on a target product, good reproducibility and good application prospect.
URL: http://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=0&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20141217&CC=CN&NR=104211857A&KC=A

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