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Inventors: Farr JP, Stuckey MM, Sibert WP, Petrin MJ
Patent Title: Programmable MIP catch and release technology
Publication date: 2017
Publication number: US20170050175

Abstract: Programmable molecular imprinted polymers (MIPs) that have modified binding site kinetics for target imprintable entities (TIEs) that operate to control the adsorption, binding, release and equilibrium distribution of related materials into and out of the MIPs, which are useful for the controlled adsorption, controlled release and control of concentrations of such materials in media including gases, liquids, fluids, biological systems, solutions and other environments. When a collective plurality of the MIPs with modified binding site kinetics are combined, the resulting MIP systems can be tailored to exhibit pseudo zero- and first-order kinetics, as well as higher kinetic profiles, and when further combined with time-delay functionality, can be tailored to exhibit delayed uptake and release, ramped uptake and release of materials, step functions, polynomial, geometric, exponential and other unique kinetic profiles of material exchange between the novel MIPs and a fluid media that are not readily achievable by other means.
URL: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=0&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20170223&CC=US&NR=2017050175A1&KC=A1

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