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Inventors: Yang T, Lu Y, Feng S, Liu L, Zhao JY, Ren SY, Lao F, Ding CR, Li J, Kou L
Patent Title: Porous double-template magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer microsphere, and preparation method and application thereof
Publication date: 2018
Publication number: CN107857834A

Abstract: The invention discloses a porous double-template magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer microsphere, which is composed of the following components: (1) Fe3O4 nano particles, (2) a functional polymer which is a copolymer of a carboxylic acid containing at least an ethylenic unsaturated double bond and styrene, and (3) two template molecules which are compounds capable of forming hydrogen bonds withthe functional polymer. The invention also relates to a preparation method and application of the porous double-template magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer microsphere. The prepared porous double-template magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer microsphere can selectively adsorb pesticide residues in a complex matrix sample.
URL: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?CC=CN&NR=107857834A&KC=A&FT=D&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP&date=20180330&rss=true

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